cash email

Friday, August 11, 2006

Earn Money through Emails

 Have you ever thought which is the most important phase in a product life cycle?It’s not the design!! Of course design has a lot to do with a product’s success. Neither is it the coding phase. What good is it for if you have a well designed and well coded product if your potential customers are unaware of its very existence? It’s simple logic that before buying a product people should know about it. Yes you guessed it right!! Marketing is the most important phase.Marketing has evolved in many ways. Initially it was posters and banners along the streets that paid. Then it was ads in the news papers. And now the whole thing has been taken to the Net. But who cares about ads on a site when it’s of no interest to the user. Finally the Bulk email marketing strategy has evolved. Bulk email marketing is showing great progress since each recipient of the mail has opted for it previously.

How Bulk email marketing works..
You all are familiar with those options in registration procedures over the Net where we are asked to tick the subjects about which we would like to know. Ever thought where our ids go? They are supplied to those people who mail us regularly about the advancements going on in these chosen fields. Along with these mails come certain ads.Take a look at what happens here. We had earlier opted for info about these services and now that we are provided info wouldn’t we be happy to browse through the supplied site? This will really increase the traffic to these sites as these bulk emails are sent to 100 of 1000s of opted members.
But where can I get Bulk email lists?
A good question indeed!! Go through the best 5 sites listed in this page. That’s all you need to do to get the email ids of millions of potential customers.There are bulk email marketing programs running in these sites. So you needn’t worry about any thing. Just send your mail a single time and it will reach millions of people waiting for it.You can also build your own opt in email lists. But then this will take time before you can start big. You just have to place an opt in email collector in your site. Slowly but surely you have some people interested in your site. If your site is having a high hit rate, then building and email list of a million people is not a great job.


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